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Sales representative  - بيروت - لبنان

رمز الإعلان: 223191
900,000 ليرة لبناني (LEP)
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Sales representative 

A leading well known insurance company in Beirut-Lebanon area , need a lebanese candidates to join their life insurance sales department (outdoor sales) , and he/she will entail the following responsibilities: • Prospecting and proposing life and individual invesment insurance plan. • Identifying prospects through various sales channels. • Designing adequate covers and providing appropriate consultation. • Preparing proposals and conducting presentations. • Establishing long term relationship with costumers. They provide you : • Basic sales, Technical and product training. • Ongoing Personal Development and coaching. • A promising career and an opportunity to lead a team. • unlimited income, commisions and other fringe benefits. The potential candidate for this role should be: • Holders of university degree or equivalent or bac 2 . • Having a car. • Motorized. PLEASE SEND YOUR C.V's TO [email protected]

السعر: 900,000 ليرة لبناني (LEP)
رمز الإعلان: 223191
  • تاريخ بداية الإعلان:
  • 2018.02.07
  • الدولة
  • لبنان Lebanon
  • المحافظة
  • بيروت
  • المدينة:
  • Beirut
  • الفترة الزمنية المتبقية
  • إنتهت فترة الإعلان.
الغرض: وظيفة خالية
التواصل سيكون مع صاحب العمل
عدد سنوات الخبرة: 2
الراتب: من 1001 إلى 2000
الجنس: لايهم

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 إعلانات مشابهة

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